Last weekend I went to Jay Peak with my family and there friend’s. we all had a very fun time i went on the blue and green slide well my sister ran into the littel kid zone with my dad chasing after her. me and Maddison went in the lazy river. it was so fun!
Author: hrubyp
falling leafs
the sun is gone the trees are orange red and brown some are even bare whoosh the wind go’s and all the leafs are gone till next year then a snow flake falls.
Mount filo
yesterday our class went to mount filo and it was so fun we hiked up the trail and went down the road if you never been you should go it was so fun. The sentry was amazing it was a over view of VT I went with all my friends we took so many pictures. We spent the hours up there. Have you ever been comment down below
How to make a ouality commet
this is how to make a quality comment here are some tips DON’T criticize make a connection end with a question start with a complement.
My Avatar
this is my avatar it reflects me! My avatar has big green eyes because I have green eyes the rarest color. I’m also on a soccer field because I play soccer.I have my hair down in my avatar to say that my hair is really long when its down. and that’s all about my avatar.